North Dakota Agriculture
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: The First Farmers
- Section 3: The First Farms
- Section 4: The First Farm Economy
- Questions: Sections 1-4
- Section 5: Early Euro-American Agriculture
- Section 6: The Homestead Act
- Section 7: Bonanza Farms
- Section 8: Ranches and Cattle Bonanzas
- Questions: Sections 5-8
- Section 9: Railroads Bring Settlers to Dakota
- Section 10: Homesteading
- Profile: Sodbuster Days
- Questions: Sections 9-10
- Section 11: Challenges and Hardships
- Section 12: Responsibilities of the Farm Family
- Profile: Women in Agriculture
- Section 13: Changes on the Farm
- Questions: Sections 11-13
- Section 14: Troubles on the Farm, 1914 –1930
- Section 15: Farm Depression, 1930s
- Questions: Sections 14-15
- Section 16: Farms Prosper, 1940s
- Section 17: Modern Farming Arrives, 1945–Present
- Profile: Migrant Workers
- Questions: Sections 16-17
- Part 1: In a Nutshell
- Part 1: Vocabulary
Production Agriculture
- Section 1: Geography and Climate of North Dakota
- Questions: Section 1
- Section 2: Production Agriculture
- Section 3: Small Grains
- Profile: Small Grains
- Questions: Sections 2-3
- Section 4: Oilseed and Row Crops
- Profile: Row Crops
- Profile: Oscar H. Will
- Questions: Section 4
- Section 5: Livestock Production
- Section 6: Cattle
- Section 7: Beef Cattle
- Profile: Russell Bueling
- Section 8: Dairy Cattle
- Profile: Barns of North Dakota
- Questions: Sections 5-8
- Section 9: Swine
- Section 10: Sheep
- Section 11: Horses
- Questions: Sections 9-11
- Section 12: Poultry
- Section 13: Specialty Livestock
- Section 14: Bees
- Questions: Sections 12-14
- Part 2: In a Nutshell
- Part 2: Vocabulary
North Dakota Agriculture Today
- Section 1: View of Agriculture
- Section 2: Agribusiness
- Section 3: Agriculture and Energy
- Section 4: Technology in Agriculture
- Questions: Sections 1-4
- Section 5: Alternative Agriculture
- Profile: A. F. Yeager
- Questions: Section 5
- Section 6: Government Agencies
- Profile: Edward Schafer
- Section 7: Farm Organizations
- Section 8: Farm Safety
- Section 9: Events
- Section 10: Conclusion
- Questions: Sections 6-10
- Part 3: In a Nutshell
- Part 3: Vocabulary