Part 1: North Dakota Agriculture

Questions: Sections 16-17

Comprehension Questions

  1. Name some favorable circumstances that North Dakota farmers had during World War II that they had not had during World War I.
  2. Where and when did World War II begin? How many North Dakota men and women joined the military? How many of them were killed?
  3. Who left North Dakota between 1940 and 1945? Where did they go?
  4. What did the REA do for farm families? What form of entertainment did North Dakota farm families get for the first time in the 1950s?
  5. What did President Nixon do in the early 1970s that resulted in huge profits for North Dakota farmers?
  6. In the late 1970s, what fell, and what went up? What happened between 1975 and 1985?
  7. What are some North Dakota farmers concerned about today?

Critical Thinking Question

  1. Imagine that you were growing up on a farm in the 1940s. What would you do for entertainment? Explain.