Part 1: Early Settlement of North Dakota

Questions: Section 9

Comprehension Questions

  1. Which company was offered the job of building a transcontinental railroad across the northern part of the United States?
  2. On what date did the Northern Pacific Railroad enter Dakota at Fargo?
  3. What did the Northern Pacific rename Edwinton in trying to persuade Germans to invest in the railroad?
  4. In what year did the Northern Pacific reach Montana? The Pacific Coast? What year was the railroad bridge across the Missouri River built?
  5. Who had a goal of building a railroad through unsettled land and bringing in settlers? What was his nickname?
  6. What was the second transcontinental railroad to cross North Dakota?
  7. What major railroad line crossed the state diagonally from southeast to northwest?
  8. What system of communication was used by the railroads? What special “language” was used to send messages?
  9. Where were train locomotives turned around?

Critical Thinking Question

  1. Do you think Jim Hill deserved his nickname? Explain.