- Wall built across a river to hold back the water
Devils Lake:
- Largest natural body of water in North Dakota
- “Spirit Lake” is the Dakota name for the lake
- Northern border of Spirit Lake Nation Reservation
Fort Berthold Reservation:
- Reservation of Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara)
- Located along the Missouri River in the west-central part of the state
- Tribal headquarters is at New Town
Four Bears Bridge:
- Moved from Elbowoods to New Town in 1955
- New bridge built in 2005
- Nearly one mile long
- Crosses Lake Sakakawea at New Town
- Named after a Mandan chief and a Hidatsa chief both named “Four Bears”
Garrison Dam:
- On the Missouri River
- Purpose—to block the flow of water to control downstream flooding
- Built in 1950s
Lake Oahe:
- Located on the Missouri River in southern North Dakota
- Created when a dam was built in South Dakota on the Missouri River
- Forms the eastern boundary of Standing Rock Sioux Reservation
Lake Sakakawea:
- Lake created by Garrison Dam
- Largest body of water in North Dakota
- Third largest man-made lake in the United States
- Flooded prime land on Fort Berthold Reservation
- Water recreation area
- Marker to remember something or someone
- Area of fruit trees
Sisseton Reservation:
- Headquarters and most of the land is in South Dakota
- Part of it is in the extreme southeast corner of North Dakota
Spirit Lake Nation Reservation:
- Home of the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Dakota Sioux
- Located in northeastern North Dakota
- First called “Fort Totten Reservation,” then “Devils Lake Sioux Reservation”
- Tribal headquarters is at Fort Totten
Standing Rock Sioux Reservation:
- Home to Lakota and Dakota Sioux
- Located about 40 miles south of Mandan and extends into South Dakota
- Almost entirely in Sioux County
- Tribal headquarters is at Fort Yates
Turtle Mountain Reservation:
- Home of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
- The Métis are part of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
- Tribal headquarters is at Belcourt