Questions: Sections 1-2
Comprehension Questions
- What were the major roles of women in earthlodge villages?
- What were the major roles of the men?
- What was the major means of support for both the Mandan and Hidatsa tribes?
- What is trading items for other items without exchanging money called?
- Why would almost the entire village move out onto the plains during the summers?
- About 400 years ago, the Mandan from nearby villages built a new village. What did they call it, and why?
- Who was one of the first non-Indians to come to North Dakota and record a history of the area?
- What was a major travel route?
- The Mandan and Hidatsa villages became such a huge trade center that the area got what nickname?
- Name some products that were considered very valuable by Europeans and Euro-Americans.
- What is the business of trading called?
- What killed thousands of Mandan and Hidatsa in 1781?
- What is another name for the Arikara?
- What did the Arikara people from South Dakota do in 1825?
- What happened at Fort Clark in 1837?
- In 1845, the Mandan and Hidatsa people started a new village together farther north along what river?
- Why did the Mandan and Hidatsa name their new village Like-A-Fishhook?
- In 1862, what other tribe moved into Like-A-Fishhook village?
- The Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara tribes became known as the what?
Critical Thinking Question
- The Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara tribes all moved into the same village. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this arrangement?