The Archaic era began about 7,500 years ago. The changes in climate led to changes in plants and animals. The ArchaicBelonging to an earlier time (ar-kay-ik) was a new era because people made different spear points and used new tools. Some animals became extinct. Some animals, such as Buffalo (sometimes called buffalo), became smaller. People of the Archaic era adapted to these changes.
People of the Archaic era were the descendantsGrandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc of the people who lived in the Paleo-Indian era. As their population increased, the people continued spreading throughout the continents of both North America and South America. They lived in small bands, or groups, and continued their nomadicWandering way of life following herds of game animals and gathering plants for food.
Archaeologists have found remains of the Archaic people’s cultureWay of life scattered throughout the plains. A hard stone called flintA hard stone found along the Knife River in North Dakota was mined by people along the Knife River in North Dakota. Spear points made of this flint were used by hunters in North Dakota and were also traded to people in other areas. Evidence of the use of flint has also been dated back to the time of the Paleo-Indians.
A weapon called an atlatl• Weapon used for hunting by Archaic people
• Stick with a handle on one end and a hook for a dart on the other end" (at-lat-ul) was developed for hunting by the Archaic people. This weapon was a stick with a handle on one end and a hook on the other end. With the atlatl, hunters could throw darts much harder and farther than they could throw a spear. People of the Archaic era made knives, hammers, scrapers and other tools from flint or animals bones. Many of these stone and bone tools have been found in sites of ancient peoples’ activities in North Dakota.