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- Silk, Earl, (1995, April 12). Non-validated list. Silk is a former Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Operations Officer, Standing Rock Agency Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fort Yates, ND.
- Blue Earth, Emma Jean (1973). Iyan Woslate Wo’Oyake—Standing Rock History, p. 168; Clair Jackson, Whitestone Hill, pp. 114.
- Ibid., p. 169; Utley, 1993, The Lance and the Shield: The Life and times of Sitting Bull, pp. 5–6.
- Ibid., pp. 6–8.
- Blackhoop letter to Indian Commissioner, (1953, February 4).
- Case, J. (1951, September 15). Standing Rock Indian protest agency merger. The Bismarck Tribune. Standing Rock Sioux Council resolution No. 53, (1951, September 18).
- Interview with Josephine Kelly, (1947, February 17). Librarian, The Bismarck Tribune.
- Agencies agree on value. (1953, June 15). The Bismarck Tribune.
- Standing Rock Council names Blackhoop, Zahn. (1962, November 2). The Bismarck Tribune.
- Lazarus, (1991, p. 213). By signing an “Order to vacate,” Howard was able to preserve Sioux rights by placing the claim back into the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims. This action was based upon the fact that although Case was a longtime friend of the Sioux, he had surrendered without a fight the tribe’s claims to the Powder River hunting grounds and more than 25 million acres of land outside the Great Sioux Reservation reserved to the Sioux in the 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty. Case had also needlessly conceded government payments of $57 million in offsets, based on the 1877 value of the Black Hills.
- Tribal leader dies—Theodore E. Jamerson. (1973, July). The Standing Rock Star.
- Sioux bid (1961, July 5). The Bismarck Tribune.
- Obituary notice, Douglas Skye (1969, November 26). The Bismarck Tribune.
- Kulas, C. (1995, July 20) Melvin White Eagle interview, Doublewood Inn, Bismarck, ND. Modular homes contract signed, (1971, August 10). The Bismarck Tribune, Indian planned projects chart Standing Rock destiny, (1971, June 21). The Bismarck Tribune; Wolberg, Gary, (1971, November 21). Romney okays Sioux development.
- Eight contesting Standing Rock chairman vote (1977, June 27). The Bismarck Tribune: States back uniform Indian aid (1977, July 14) The Bismarck Tribune; Turosak, Greg. (1977, December 24) The Bismarck Tribune; Ex-Tribal chairman elected, (1981, October 3) The Bismarck Tribune; Building may be transferred, (1983, May 24) The Bismarck Tribune.
- Obituary Notice, Frank Lawrence (1979, December 14). The Bismarck Tribune.
- Committee: Pay Indians for land loss (1986, July 9). The Bismarck Tribune; Imrie, B. (1989, April 2). Struggle continues for Indian people, The Bismarck Tribune; Land settlement up to Bush (1991, January 20). The Bismarck Tribune.
- Kulas, C. (1995, July 20) Jesse Taken Alive interview, Doublewood Inn, Bismarck, ND.; Salter, P. (1992, December 23). Deadline nears in casino talks. The Bismarck Tribune; Tribes get compensation for lost land (1992, November 1). The Bismarck Tribune.
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Biography of the Tribal Chairman, Ron His Horse Is Thunder, “Tasunka Wakinyan.” Retrieved from the Internet: