Army Food Improves

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Buford Records

Leighton and Jordan held the contract for post trader at Fort Buford in 1875. The traders’ books reveal the purchases of soldiers, officers, and nearby residents. On January 25, 1875, Captain Powell (entry 254) purchased one ounce of celery seed, one ounce of allspice, and one ounce of cinnamon in addition to some other items. These spices would have been used by Powell’s cook to enhance the flavor of the family’s meals. The purchase of spices suggests a well-stocked pantry for the officer’s family.

On February 3, 1875, Colonel Moore (entry 264) purchased fifteen pounds of potatoes at a cost of $15. The price of these potatoes would have been beyond the ability of an enlisted soldier who made about $13 a month. In addition, an enlisted man would not have space to store potatoes. Officers had a kitchen and usually, after 1870, a pantry or cellar for storing canned goods and root vegetables such as potatoes and onions during the winter.

The post surgeon also kept records at Fort Buford. In 1868, during the period when scurvy presented a significant risk to the health of the soldiers, post surgeon James P. Kimball wrote of the soldiers’ general condition:

“...The health of the command was usually excellent. During the winter and following spring thirty-four cases of scurvy occurred. These cases were all of a mild character and yielded readily to treatments. Dessicated vegetables were freely used and pickles issued to the entire command twice a week. There was but one death in the command during the winter. Private Thomas Standen (?) Co E 31st Infantry died December 1st 1867 of Consumption.”

Assistant Post Surgeon Kimball recorded the progress of the Post garden in his logbook of 1868:

“July 3d. The post garden embracing five acres of ground is looking finely. The wet season has thus far been very propitious and the vegetables are growing rapidly. The garden now affords lettuce and radishes for the entire command in abundance. Lambs Quarter or Mountain Spinach (Chenopodium album) which is indigenous and plentiful is much used by the command for greens. This affords a fair supply of vegetable food. The health of the command is excellent. There are at present no cases of disease at the Post that can be traced to dietetic causes....”

“July 22nd. Grasshopper in immense numbers made their appearance to-day. The potato bug has commenced its depredations. An insect also has attacked the cabbages, turnips and beets. Every exertion will be made to keep these off, since the command depends entirely upon the garden for fresh vegetables and upon its success or failure depends materially the health and comfort of the troops. Green peas are now in season and in sufficient quantity for the supply of the garrison. Also cucumber and onions. Cucumbers thus far appear to succeed better than any other vegetables, the yield being plentiful and of excellent quality [p. 81].”

“July 26th. The grasshoppers have nearly all disappeared since the storm and wind of yesterday. They have done serious damage to the beans, peas and spinach in the post gardens. [p. 83].”

“August 31st... The Post garden has afforded an abundant supply of vegetables for the command during the month. Nearly everything plated has produced well except the potatoes which have failed entirely…. [p. 88].”

The following spring, Assistant Post Surgeon Kimball wrote with confidence about the early status of the Post garden. The use of glass covers to protect early plantings from frost suggests deep devotion and advanced skill in gardening:

“May 31st [1869].... There have been occasional rains during the month that have been of great service to the Post garden which now presents a very promising appearance. The vegetables, the seeds of which were planted about the first of this month have usually a more vigorous and thriving appearance than those planted earlier in the season, excepting of course those plants started under glass covers, to be transplanted. Great credit is due in this department to the skill and assiduity of Mr. Frederick Brandt, Quarter Master Clerk at the Post. [p. 123].”

Source N Old Trading Post building at Fort Buford operated by Leighton, Jordan and Hedderick.

Leighton and Jordan’s trading post at Fort Buford. Traders set up businesses near army posts where soldiers could buy food, stamps, whiskey, cloth, lamps and other supplies. SHSND 0030-I-07.

Source O Water tower and sawmill, Fort Buford.

This view of Fort Buford from the river shows the area where the gardens were located. The low banks next to the river provided fertile soil and easy access to water. SHSND C0765.

Source P Post returns Fort Buford page 3

Post Returns, Fort Buford. Records of Adjutant General’s Office. Medical History of Fort Buford, 1868–1895 Vol 198, 199, 201.


Private Wilmot Sanford

Private Wilmot Sanford of New Hampshire enlisted in the Army in 1872 at the age of twenty-three. He served in Company D of the 6th Regiment, Infantry, serving at least three years of his five-year enlistment at Fort Buford at the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers. By the time of Sanford’s service, the Army was providing more nutritious food for soldiers. His notes about meals indicate that vegetables (usually potatoes and onions) and fruits (plum duff and apples) were regularly served at post meals. At least one winter meal included tomatoes, but that is the only time that tomatoes—a vegetable very high in Vitamin—showed up on Sanford’s food list that winter.

Several pages of the diary are transcribed here to show the relative importance of the dietary entries. He mentioned food in detail several times a week. Other entries or portions of entries indicate some variety of food and the importance of the steamboats in supplying the remote post with vegetables. Among the foods mentioned are kraut, cabbage, mush, syrup, apples and applesauce, plums, pork, beef, potatoes, onions, beans, rice, and molasses. Corn, peaches (canned) and tomatoes were mentioned only once, but corn meal in the form of mush or fritters (fried corn meal mush) appeared frequently. Occasionally, the men supplemented their diets with wild meats including antelope, venison, and prairie chickens.

The arrival of the first steamboat in the spring was an important event. The boats brought all kinds of supplies, but most importantly potatoes and other vegetables for both officers and for enlisted men. The pay of privates, about $13 a month at that time, prevented Sanford from purchasing many meals or supplementary food from Leighton and Jordan, the post traders. Officers, however, routinely purchased food for their families (which did not draw rations) from the post trader and from the steamboats. In 1875, the first steamboat was the Josephine from Yankton which arrived on May 4th.

Sanford’s diaries have been transcribed and published in North Dakota History Vol 33, No. 4 Fall 1966 (335-378) and North Dakota History volume 52, No. 3 Summer 1985 (2-40).

Source Q Soldiers of Company K, 15th Infantry, Fort Buford.

The men of Company K, 15th Infantry relax in front of their barracks at Fort Buford. Soldiers’ health, and their ability to fight if necessary, depended on an adequate diet. SHSND 2002-P-17-01.

Source O

The following transcription of Private Sanford’s diary reveals how important meals were to enlisted men. He frequently gives details of the food he and other soldiers ate at the post and when they were on duty away from the post


Friday October 16th.
Clear and warm. Helped wash out the quarters and to shinye the stove. Stew for breakfast and vegetable soup for dinner. Dress parade at night. Fatigue call is 8:30 to 12 & 1 PM till 4.30 PM. Retreat at 5.00, Gather 8.30. G. qrs. 9.00. Cattle Guard detayl left tonight. Rodgers Co ordaly today. Wind NW.

Saturday October 17th.
Clear and hot. On QM fatigue policing and digging firm gravel walk to the library. General policing. Through werk at 3 PM. Bacin for breakfast and potatoes, cabbage and pork for dinner. McLoughlin Co Clerk. The male came in. Letters from Hart¬man and Oldis.

Sunday October 18th.
Clear and warm all day and night. On cattle-guard. Excused from inspection." 6 miles to the hurd towards Steven¬son. 10 men and Sar Cummings, 300 head of cattle. Stood half the night. Warm night. Took out a days rations. Maloy out with me. McLoughlin made corporal. Reading the papers. Wind NW.

Monday October 19th.
Cloudy cold and windy. C Co started for Fort Rice with cattle and Corp Fox and Maloney and Ramey went to get to the quarters at 11 AM. Male went out. Sent letters to Ellen Hills, H. W. Stevens, Oldis, Burssig & Hartman. Cold night. Wind NE.

Tuesday October 20th.
Clear and hot. On QM fatigue. Werked in the gravel pit till noon then teamed dirt from the new laundress quarters, Reading the Fair Saxen by P. McCarthy. Pork and cabbage for dinner. McGowinn is detayled teamster in the corrill. The old guard on fatigue after dinner. Cold night and a good moon. Wind NW.

Wednes October 21st.
Clear and cool. On QM fatigue. To werk screening gravel all day. The WESTERN came down and all the dis¬charged men went down on her. Sent Giles watch. Drill & Dress parade stopped. Hazen gone hunting up the Yellowstone. Kelly N gone with him. Wind NW.

Thirsday October 22nd.
Clear and warm. Kitchen police alone. Pork for breakfast and potatoes and cabbage for dinner. Pypher and Walters out of the kitchen and Eastman and McDermont in. Corp. McLoughlin in charge of the kitchen. Apples for supper. The SILVER LAKE came down and went down the river. Maj Moore came down last night. He is slightly wounded. Wind N.

Friday October 23rd.
Clear and warm. On QM fatigue. To werk leveling of the foundation of the gynnasum holl. Got through at 2 PM. Party at Morgans last night and a fight. Hazen and party got in. Tacking down the sawmill and fixing the icehouse. Wind NW.

Saturday October 24th.
Clear and warm. On guard No 2 of the 2nd releaf. No bisinus. Lay off all day and stood 4 hours at night on the quarters. Raned in the night. Crowell officer of the day. Holt E Co Star of the guard. 9 men for guard. Male came in letters from Hamlin, Hie, Mary, Hartman, Barnes. Wind E.

Sunday October 25th.
Cloudy cold and rany. Came off guard in the morning. Pork in the morning. Beef, mashed potatoes and plumb duff for dinner. Wrote some letters and took a nap in the afternoon. Drilling in the evening. Wind NW.

Monday October 26th.
Clear and cold. On Cattle Guard with Palmer and Hurbert. 10 men and Sar Davis. Took out 1 days rations. Stood four hours post in the day and 4 in the night. Male went out sent letters to Lillie, Hamlin, E. H. Krinberg & P. J. B. C. Q. E. Cold night and a good morn. Down and got the teams took out wood and watter. 3 men on a releaf. Wind E.

Tuesday October 27th.
Cloudy and cold. Got in from Cattle Guard at noon and digging an ash pit in the afternoon. Nichols is detayled as teamster. To the library in the evening and changed my book. Cold night and windy. Got Fortunes of Chas. Martin. Wind NE.

Wednes October 28th.
Cloudy and cold. On QM fatigue. To werk for Sar Anderson teaming brush wood from slabtown [the laundress’ village] to the brush pile and to Kellys the taylors. Through at noon. Mending my pants and fixing a band. In the evening write a letter to Hartman. Rodgers detayled on Daly Duty. It raned in the evening. Wind NE.

Thirsday October 29th.
Snowed all day. On QM fatigue to werl; teaming wood to the companys and A. C. S. Made 8 loads and got through at noon. Made me a buckskin cap. Potatoes beef and corn for dinner. Cattle guard came in and no fatigue except us. Wind NW,

Friday October 30th.
On cattle guard but did not go out so put on sumer duty and helped Kinman dig the ash pit. The Paymaster came in with an escort of 8 men all assigned to our company. Snowy till noon then cleared up warm. Dry hash for breakfast. Vegetable soup for dinner. Cleaning up for muster. To the library. Finished Martins of Cro. Martin. Wind NW.

Saturday October 31st.
Clear and cool. Mustered at 10 AM. On QM Fatigue in the afternoon teaming dirt loads and got through at 2.30, 2 men to a load. Signed the payrools. Down to the restrant and got a good supper. Redd in the mill. Wind NW.

Sunday November 1st.
Clear and warm. Co Inspection at 9 AM by Liut Townsand. On no duty. Got payed in the forenoon 24.80 and settled with the boys. Over to the photograph galery in the afternoon and wrote some letters. Male got in at 3 PM. Got 2 papers and letters from Hamlin and Annie Hills. Wind NW.

Monday November 2nd.
Clear and warm. Supernumary. [guard duty] Male went out sent letters to G. Stipson, G. P. Nash & Flora B. Renick, T. C. Case, C. Ross, J. Bride and H. N. G. Sims and W. Fisher, in the ash pit and set for some pictures. To the sutlers. Wind NW.

Tuesday November 3rd.
Clear and warm. On guard No 1 of the 3rd releaf. Deland Sar of the guard. Murdock officer of the day. 2 posts Oll No 2 in the storehouses. Warm night. Camball in the cattle carill on extra duty. Delop came in with the ambulance. Pot pye for dinner. Bacin for breakfast. 2 men on guard. Whitewashing the garrerson.

Wednesday November 4th.
Clear and cold. Came off guard in the morning. Made a pr of mittens. McLoughlin under arrest. Stud drunk. Malry Gibsin and Hanshut put in the mill for missing retreat. Wrote a letter to Annie Hills. Colder at night and signes of a storm. Wind NW.

Thursday November 5th.
Clear and warm. On QM Fatigue to werk for Sar Anderson hailing wood to the Co quarters of each Co and gathered up all the slop 7 bbls and got through at 12.30. Sleeping all the afternoon. Mound party came in. Fox, Maloney and Ramy left at Berthold sick. Hanshut and the rest released out of the mill. Got a bad cold. WindNW.

Friday November 6th.
Clear and cold. Kitchen Police with Quinn but he got in a fight with Mandry and on the sick report and excused. Hash for breakfast and soup for dinner. Raned a little in the night. Sick with a bad cold. Comenced to saw wood. Wind NW.

Saturday November 7th.
Clear and cool. On QM Fatigue. To werk at the wood saw. 8 men besides fhe D Co men to saw 25 cds but did not get it done. Sullivan and Glass sawing. McLoughlin tryed today. Sick today. Gin shop closed today.18 Gen policing. Rodgers releaved. Redd is fixing him a barber shop. Cold tonight. Wind NW.

Sunday November 8th.
Clear and cool. Room ordaly with Pills. Co Inspection by Liut Townsand. Kellett releaved me. Desmond as 2nd cook. Male came in letters from Belle, Leighton and Hamlin. Train snowed in between Bismarck and Moorhead.18 Wind NW.

Monday November 9th.
On QM Fatigue to werk for Sar Anderson teaming short wood to the officers and took up their slop. Werked all day. E Co got in and Ramy. To the post office. Apples for supper. Snowed last night and all day. 2 inches fell in all. Male went out Sent letters to Hamlin and Annie, Hills, Cotest. Male out tomorrow. Wind NW.


Thirsday May 13th
Clear and hot. On fatigue to werk at the woodsaw all day. Shafer got his sentence today. 10 dollars and 30 days. Deegan is ordaly today. Eggs in the store at 40 cts a dozen. Apples 2.00 per dozen. Warm nights now. Minuch for his discharge. Wind NW.

Wednes May 19th.
Clear and cool. On Co. fatigue to werk in the Co. garden leveling off the ground. Kinman is detailed post gardener. We commenced to drill the bayonet exersize. Short in E Co. and Beler drummer in the band. The musquitoes are getting thick. Wind NW.

Thirsday May 20th.
Clear and very hot. On fatigue helping Cop Sullivan fix flour gardins all day. Issued misquito bars [nets]. Serenade by the band in the evening. Read Story Queen of harts by W. Collins. I just on now. 5 men to mount guard out of our Co. 1 to 3 morn. Wind NW.


[Sanford was assigned to an expedition leaving Fort Buford for several days (September 1–17, 1876)]

Tuesday September 5, 1876.
Cloudy and rany. On guard. 4 posts taken off in the mourning, so only had 45 minutes to stand today. The Josephine and Silver Lake got here and fetched us some vegetables, Cabbage, potatoes, Onions and carots. Cabbage and potatoes for dinner. The Josephine, Yellowstone, Carroll and Silver Lake. Simons and Murdock and Dennison working on them at 40–50 [dollars] per month. The Carroll and the Yellowstone left at night for Buford. Drew 3 pack mules. Clear and warm. W. N.

Wednesday September 6, 1876.
Clear and cool. The 4 cos. Of the 6th Reg of Infantry and the 7th Cavery started toward Buford with pack mules and 2 ambulances. 11 mules to a Co for us. We started and followed the Hawkins trale. Started at 8:30 and marched till 12:30 and made 12 miles and camped in the woods close to the river. Gen Terry and staff started on the boat and tyed up with us. Left behind the 17th and 22nd to guard the supplies. 2 posts on and 2 men from D. co. Felt sick all day from eating vegetables. Win N. W.

Thursday September 7, 1876.
Clear and over my sickness....

[on the expedition, the men ate a lot of fresh meat, but ran out of rations on Thursday September 14. On September 15, the expedition encountered the steamboat C. M Chambers which allowed them to draw rations. “Got vegatables.” He wrote.]

Tuesday September 19, 1876.
Raney in the forenoon and clear in the afternons. Muler and me detailed on day duty cutting weeds in the garden. All the rest of the men on .AM. fatigue...