How Does Agriculture in North Dakota Impact a Global Economy?

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This inquiry explores some of the dynamic changes occurring in the agriculture sector in North Dakota since 1900 through the investigation of the compelling question “How does agriculture in North Dakota impact a global economy?” The importance of understanding farming and ranching in this inquiry is twofold: (1) students should be able to understand some of the changes that influenced the state’s modern economy and (2) students will benefit from understanding how these economic activities influence market forces and their own career choices. While progressing through the inquiry, students will analyze the changes occurring in the ag sector and speculate future scenarios for the state.

This inquiry is expected to take two class periods; however, teachers are encouraged to adapt the inquiry to meet the needs and interests of their students and the amount of time they have available.

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™
Compelling Question
How does agriculture in North Dakota impact a global economy?
Standards and Practices
ND.6-12.3.2 Identify the current economic activities in the state of North Dakota and evaluate their positive and negative impact.
Staging the Question
Make a diagram of how closely you are tied to the agriculture industry. 
Supporting Question 1
Supporting Question 2
Supporting Question 3
What economic trends have influenced farming and ranching in North Dakota since 1900?
Did technology improve life on the farm?
What connection to global markets does the ag sector in North Dakota have?
Formative Performance Task
Formative Performance Task
Formative Performance Task
Create a timeline of major events in U.S. and world history that have had an impact on farming and ranching in North Dakota.
Write a summary of what life was like on a farm before and after rural electrification. Provide evidence to support your claim.
Write a summary describing how the ag sector has impacted global markets and vice versa.
Featured Sources
Featured Sources
Featured Sources
  • Great Depression and Drought Document Set
  • United Farmers League Document Set
  • Modernizing North Dakota’s Farms Document Set
Summative Performance Task
How have trends in farming and ranching since 1900 influenced the development of the modern North Dakota economy? How will environmental changes and new technologies continue to affect the development of agriculture and North Dakota’s economy? Construct an argument that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views. Create a poster and present your argument to your class with evidence to support your claims.
Invite a county extension agent to speak to the class about modern changes in the ag industry including innovations and career potentials such as drones, driverless vehicles, satellite data gathering, GPS/GIS, conservation (water management, habitat protection), and changes in the energy industry that affect ag too (wind, ethanol, solar, mineral holdings, etc.).
Taking Informed Action

Understand: Identify a new technology of your time that you think has historic importance. Outline the significance (social, political, and/or economic) that technology has had. How will it change your life? Will it continue to be important in the future? What further changes can be expected?

Assess: Determine the intended and unintended consequences of the innovation identified.

Act: Take the poster you created to present to your class and use your research to create a documentary. Present the documentary to your community during a history fair.