Has Agrarian Radicalism Shaped North Dakota Politics Long Term?

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This inquiry explores some of the dynamic changes that have influenced political reform efforts in North Dakota through the investigation of the compelling question "has agrarian radicalism shaped North Dakota politics long term?” The importance of understanding political reform efforts, especially agrarian radicalism, in this inquiry is twofold: (1) students should be able to understand some of the changes that influenced the state’s early politics and societal norms and (2) students will benefit from understanding how these reform efforts influenced and developed into North Dakota’s modern society. While progressing through the inquiry, students will analyze the changes occurring in state politics and speculate future scenarios for public policy development. In doing so, students can better understand the impact of state politics on their own lives and how public policy is made and changed.

This inquiry is expected to take two class periods; however, teachers are encouraged to adapt the inquiry to meet the needs and interests of their students and the amount of time they have available.

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™
Compelling Question
Compelling Question How Has agrarian radicalism shaped North Dakota politics long term?
Standards and Practices
ND.6_12.2.3 Explain the impact of political systems and institutions of North Dakota.
Staging the Question
Was the agrarian populism movement different in the United States than in other countries, such as Russia?
Supporting Question 1
Supporting Question 2
Supporting Question 3
What was the populist movement in North Dakota?
What was the Nonpartisan League (NPL)?
What are the similarities and/or differences between the Populist party, contemporary Tea Party, Green Party, and Occupy movement?
Formative Performance Task
Formative Performance Task
Formative Performance Task
Using the internet and library resources, students will conduct research and write a summary of the populist movement.
Create a graphic organizer of key Nonpartisan League (NPL) reforms, including the creation of referendum, recall, initiatives, ballot measures, and petitions.
Compare and contrast these movements. Create a Power Point presentation that outlines the similarities and differences between these movements. Support your claims with evidence.
Featured Sources
Featured Sources
Featured Sources
  • Internet and library resources
Summative Performance Task
Did agrarian radicalism, in the form of populism, influence North Dakota politics long term? Construct an argument that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views. Create a one-act performance and present your argument to your class with evidence to support your claims.
Invite one or more local farmers to speak to the class about their lived experiences and how things have changed for them, or not, since the NPL first organized.
Taking Informed Action

Understand: Students will present their case studies on populist movements to the class.

Assess: Have a class deliberation about the effectiveness of populist movements.

Act: Students will present their argument to a student or local newspaper or an elected official.