GR4 Standards

Grade 4 Social Studies Standards

North Dakota Century Code 15.1-21-01: North Dakota Studies Course Requirement

Each North Dakota public and nonpublic elementary and middle school shall provide students instruction in North Dakota Studies, with an emphasis on the geography, history, and agriculture of the state, in the fourth and eighth grades.

C.3-5.1 Compare and contrast the responsibilities and powers government officials at various levels and branches of government.
C.3-5.2 Describe the structure of government and how it functions to serve citizens/residents (e.g., Constitution, Amendments, government leaders.
C.3-5.3 Describe the structure of government in North Dakota and how it functions to serve citizens/residents.
C.3-5.4 Explain the importance of the basic principles that provide the foundation of the American system of government
(e.g., U.S. and North Dakota symbols, patriotic traditions, values of liberty, equality, justice, etc.).
C.3-5.5 Describe procedures for making decisions in a variety of settings.
C.3-5.6 Compare and contrast personal and civic responsibilities and explain why they are important in community life.
C.3-5.7 Develop and implement an action plan to address or inform others about an issue.
E.3-5.1 Utilize fundamental principles and concepts of economics to understand economic activity (e.g., needs and wants, goods and services, opportunity cost).
E.3-5.2 Describe how goods and services are produced and distributed.
E.3-5.3 Identify factors that influence saving and spending choices.
E.3-5.4 Describe the necessity and impact of community services.
E.3-5.5 Describe and analyze how North Dakota’s location, culture, and natural resources influence its economic decisions and development.
E.3-5.6 Compare and contrast the economic development of the geographical regions of the United States.
E.3-5.7 Explain how natural resources affect the economies of the geographical regions of the United States.
E.3-5.8 Describe how economics have changed over time.
G.3-5.1 Construct maps, graphs, and other representations of both familiar and unfamiliar places.
G.3-5.2 Use geographic tools and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.
G.3-5.3 Use maps, satellite images, photographs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places, regions, and their environmental characteristics.
G.3-5.4 Explain how North Dakota regions have been influenced by physical and human characteristics. ◆
G.3-5.5 Compare and contrast the three geographical regions of North Dakota. ◆
G.3-5.6 Explain how United States regions are created from common physical and human characteristics.
G.3-5.7 Analyze patterns of human settlement in North Dakota. ◆
G.3-5.8 Analyze patterns of human settlement in North America.
H.3-5.1 Describe how people’s perspectives shape history.
H.3-5.2 Use geographic tools and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.
H.3-5.3 Describe the North Dakota Native American Essential Understandings. ◆
H.3-5.4 Describe multiple causes and effects of contemporary global events and developments in relation to North Dakota. ◆
H.3-5.5 Describe multiple causes and effects of contemporary global events and developments in relation to the United States.
H.3-5.6 Describe multiple causes and effects of contemporary global events and developments in relation to the United States.
H.3-5.7 Explain cause and effect relationships among historical events in the United States using primary and secondary sources.
H.3-5.8 Explain how individuals contributed to the United States throughout different historical eras using primary and secondary sources.
H.3-5.9 Explain how individuals and groups contributed to North Dakota. ◆
H.3-5.10 Describe the events and developments that led to the statehood of North Dakota. ◆
H.3-5.11 Describe the events and developments that led to the statehood of North Dakota. ◆


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