Energy Resources of North Dakota

  • Difference between source and resource:
    • Source: a place where one can get a valuable item. Example:  A coal mine is a source of coal.
    • Resource: a valuable item that one uses. Example:  Coal is a resource.


Oil pumps Natural gas Coal
  • Nonrenewable: from a supply that cannot be replaced or renewed (fossil fuels) in a short time.
    • Petroleum (crude oil)
      • Petroleum is found in the Williston Basin in western North Dakota.
      • Oil is produced in 17 North Dakota counties.
      • North Dakota is the second leading petroleum producing state in the United States.
    • Natural gas
      • Natural gas is found along with petroleum deposits in western North Dakota.
    • Coal
      • Coal is the main energy source used for generating electricity.
      • The kind of coal found in North Dakota is a very soft coal called lignite.
      • Lignite coal is mined in western North Dakota.
        • The supply of lignite in North Dakota is enough to last more than 800 years.


Geothermal power station Hydro electric dam Solar panels Biomass Wind Turbines
  • Renewable: energy from a supply that can be replaced or renewed in a short time.
    • Wind
      • North Dakota's wind resources rank 9th in the United States.
        • Wind farms are located in 25 North Dakota counties as of 2023.
    • Geothermal
      • GeothermalGeo = earth and Thermal = heat means heat from the earth.
      • North Dakota has potential for using geothermal energy to produce electricity.
      • Geothermal energy can also be used to heat homes.
    • HydroHydro = water
      • Hydroelectric power is electrical power produced by moving water.
      • The Garrison Dam is the only producer of hydroelectric power in North Dakota.
    • SolarSolar = sun
      • Solar power uses energy from the sun.
      • Some North Dakota farmers and ranchers use solar power to pump water for cattle to drink.
    • Biomass/Biofuels
      • BiomassBio = life includes all plant and animal matter.
      • Biofuels are fuels developed from living matter.
        • Ethanol and biodiesel are examples of biofuels.
          • North Dakota has four ethanol plants and one biodiesel plant.
    • Recovered Energy
      • Recovered energy is also known as heat-recovery energy or waste heat energy.
        • Hot exhaust is captured and used to create electricity.