Has Weather and Climate Impacted Where and How You Live?

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This inquiry explores the weather and climate of North Dakota through the investigation of the compelling question “Has weather and climate impacted where and how you live?” The importance of understanding weather and climate in this inquiry is twofold: (1) students should be able to understand the how weather and climate have influenced the state’s modern economy and quality of living and (2) how several key industries, including agriculture and tourism, are significantly impacted by weather and climate. While progressing through the inquiry, students will analyze the climate of the state and severe weather conditions to speculate future scenarios.

This inquiry is expected to take two class periods; however, teachers are encouraged to adapt the inquiry to meet the needs and interests of their students and the amount of time they have available.

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™
Compelling Question
Has weather and climate impacted where and how you live?
Standards and Practices
ND.6_12.1.2 Explain the human settlement patterns in North Dakota.
Staging the Question
Climate vs. Weather: What is the difference?
Supporting Question 1
Supporting Question 2
What does it mean that North Dakota has a continental climate?
What does it mean that North Dakota has a continental climate? How have extreme weather events affected how North Dakotans live their lives?
Formative Performance Task
Formative Performance Task
Using the internet and library resources, students will conduct research and write a summary of the weather and climate of North Dakota.
Select a severe weather event, such as a flood, blizzard, fire, tornado, or drought, and create a poster about how it has impacted the lives of people living in North Dakota, the state’s economy; and key industries.
Featured Sources
Featured Sources
  • Internet and library resources
  • Floods and Blizzards Document Set
Summative Performance Task
Has weather and climate impacted where and how you live? Construct an argument that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views. Create a poster and present your argument to your class with evidence to support your claims.
Invite a meteorology or climatology professional to speak to your class about careers and required education. A local television or radio station, an airport, government agency, or college all might have potential speakers.
Taking Informed Action

Understand: Identify severe weather event that has impacted your local community in the past and/or present.

Assess: Describe ramifications in your community as a result of the severe weather event. Is this something that could happen again? Has the community taken steps to manage the risks related to this type of weather event?

Act: Take the poster you created and use your research to create a short documentary film. Present the video to your community during a history fair.