Supporting Question 3: Impacts of the Fur Trade on Native Americans

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The third supporting question, “can my life fit on a map?” helps students think through the challenges cartographers encounter in depicting a physical place through text and graphic images. Complete the following task using the sources provided to build a context of the time period and topic being examined.

Formative Performance Task 3

Students will each create a map of their own. Educators are encouraged to adapt the task to meet the needs and interests of their students and the amount of time they have available. Students can be assigned a similar focus, such as drawing a map of their community, or be given greater latitude to choose the subjects of their maps. They should include standard map elements to communicate what information is being shared with the reader such as: cardinal directions, symbols, scale, a key, and one or more graphic depictions of a physical space that represents their lives (a building, a city block, a community, different locations within a county or state, etc.).

Featured Sources 3

Students will draw inspiration from their own lives and communities.