Supporting Question 3: Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery

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The third supporting question, “Was the Lewis and Clark expedition of the Louisiana Purchase significant?” helps students use sources to unwrap the context of the time and topic being examined. Complete the following task using the sources provided to build a context of the time period and topic being examined.

Formative Performance Task 3

Write a summary of the cultural exchange that occurred between Lewis and Clark’s expedition and Native Americans. Use evidence to establish what impacts were positive and what were negative.

Featured Sources 3

Study featured sources A-B. In a group or as a class, answer the following questions: What type of sources are they (letters, photos, maps, diaries, etc.)? What kind of information do they contain? Who created each of these sources? Who was the intended audience for each source? Why were these sources created? When were the sources created? How do we know? What else can you find?

Source A

What’s in a Map?: Early Exploration Map Set

Source B

Camp, Gregory S. “Wintering on the Northern Great Plains: Lewis and Clark at the Knife River, 1804-1805.” North Dakota History. Vol. 70.4:2-10 (2003).