Should North Dakota’s Natural Resources Be Protected?

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This inquiry explores how we manage natural resources through the investigation of the compelling question “should North Dakota’s natural resources be protected?” The importance of understanding natural resources and the history of conservation efforts in this inquiry is twofold: (1) students should be able to understand the significant natural resources that influenced the state’s modern economy and quality of living and (2) how people living on the land change and shape it to meet their needs. While progressing through the inquiry, students will analyze the natural resources of the state and speculate future scenarios.

This inquiry is expected to take one class period; however, teachers are encouraged to adapt the inquiry to meet the needs and interests of their students and the amount of time they have available.

Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™
Compelling Question
Should North Dakota’s natural resources be protected?
Standards and Practices
ND.6_12.1.2 Explain the human settlement patterns in North Dakota.
Staging the Question
Make a list of significant natural resources that have influenced how and where people live on the land in North Dakota. What is gained and what is lost as native prairies are developed into farms, towns, and cities?
Supporting Question 1
Supporting Question 2
Supporting Question 3
How are plants and animals important natural resources in North Dakota?
What has threatened wildlife in North Dakota over time (both past and present)?
How have people tried to protect North Dakota’s wildlife?
Formative Performance Task
Formative Performance Task
Formative Performance Task
Using evidence from the sources, define “natural resource.” Understand and identify how wildlife populations and habitats are important natural resources in North Dakota.
Using evidence from the sources, identify threats to the health of North Dakota’s wildlife populations. Create a graphic organizer that captures and depicts these threats using evidence from the sources to support your argument.
Examine the sources and identify methods that have been used in the past to preserve wildlife populations. Write and support a claim about the method you think would be the most effective using evidence from the sources.
Featured Sources
Featured Sources
Featured Sources
  • Historic Reports
  • Deer and Game Bird Documents
Summative Performance Task
Are North Dakota’s wildlife populations a natural resource we should protect? How have the reasons and methods for wildlife conservation changed over time? Research a current effort to protect wildlife in North Dakota and compare it to one of the methods used in the early 20th century. Construct an argument that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views. Create a poster and present your argument to your class with evidence to support your claims.
Invite someone in the natural resource management field to speak to the class, like a game warden, biologist, or park ranger. What career options are available and what are the education requirements?
Taking Informed Action

Understand: Identify a natural resource that has been important to your local community in the past and/or present.

Assess: How is that natural resource used today? Is a local resource under threat?

Act: Take the poster you created to present to your class and use your research to create a short documentary film. Present the video to your community during a history fair.